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Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Shizzle Hits The Fan

On December 19, 2013 there still was no sign of any money coming in from any of the various sources Marvin had previously promoted as coming in "tomorrow."  At this juncture, I was no longer held hostage by his signed document to invest in the musical.  I was no longer held hostage by his promise of "extra money" to make up for all that we had done.  I was no longer held hostage by his supposed "ill health" or any of those things that once baited me on his hook.  The game changed.  It was time for me to investigate!

It is a rule of thumb that where you hear scathing critical remarks coming out of someone's mouth, it usually means that the critical person has committed some transgression against those for whom he is being critical.  So, I began calling people Marvin had complained about.  One of the first calls was to a man in Florida.  Marvin said this man was always meddling in his personal affairs and would not leave him alone.  In fact, Marvin had previously told me that this same person, (we'll call him BB) had sent him money to help him get settled here in Vegas, but that Marvin sent it back because he didn't want this person meddling in his private life.

When BB began telling me stories of how Marvin had a checkered past of scamming people, my heart fell into my stomach!  The scam that Marvin had used in Florida was a tale that he was waiting for his Mother's estate to settle.  During that time, he conned a Florida condominium company to let him stay in a condo for free while they waited for Marvin to get his "inheritance" because Marvin was going to buy two condos from them!  Of course, the money never did come in and Marvin ran up a bill of over $8,000 before they kicked him out!  BB had other stories as well, but I think you get the picture.  I was hearing the same story from BB that Marvin had been telling to me!  Wow!  This guy was a professional con artist!

I called another person who we will call "T" to ask him about Marvin, because Marvin had really ragged on this guy a bunch while living with me.  What T had to say was amazing!  He told me of the same scam technique, and also that Marvin would pretend to talk on the phone to his "lawyer" or "banker" or whomever.  T found out there was no one else on the other end of the phone when he literally dialed a phone that Marvin was "talking to his lawyer" on, and the phone RANG!  LOL!

Each phone call led me to another "victim" who basically recounted the same scam stories.  Marvin pretends to need a place to stay for a day or two.  Then, he pretends some big money is coming in which keeps getting delayed, thus giving him more free room and board.  He pretends to go house or condo or car or furniture shopping, all at the same places!  It seems that Marvin loves Car Max, RC Willey and other favorites places to use in his scam stories.

I had also begun to write this blog and had the first two posts up as a way to possibly scare Marvin into getting his act together.  What Marvin did instead, after learning I was calling people to check up on him and after reading this blog, was to leave a hostile message on my voice mail!  Can you believe the audacity?  I'm going to post the voice mail on YouTube very soon because it is utterly entertaining.  Marvin steal and lies and signs fraudulent investment documents, etc. and then has the NERVE to leave me a voice message stating that he no longer respects me or trusts me or wants anything to do with me!  He further warns me that I don't want to get him on the aggressive because I won't win!  Are you kidding me with this stuff?

That night, I was really stewing over the fact that he stole from me and Gene, knowing that we were in the middle of other litigation, and that Gene needed surgery.  I was livid that he offered to "loan us the money to handle our legal situation and that he'd help with Gene's surgery, knowing that he had no intention of doing so.  I was shocked that he took money from sister knowing she had a serious heart condition and that she couldn't work to avoid stress.  I was simply and utterly dumbfounded.

Around 5am, I decided that I needed to be more proactive.  So, I warned everyone I could on Facebook.  Then, I called all the drag queens I know, including the Queen of queens, Frank Marino, who was going to hire Marvin for his "Divas" show in Reno in February.  All the queens were very understanding.  Some even cried with me.  Some called him names.  Some just gave support.

The next thing I knew, Marvin had found out what I was doing and so began posting lies about ME on his Facebook page!  Now, he was adding libel to his acts of fraud!  A friend of mine texted me Marvin's posts.  Here's the first one for your viewing pleasure:

I called one of Marvin's friends to ask him to have Marvin take the libel off of Facebook or face more consequences.  Marvin took it all off.

I then gathered all the evidence together, including letters from others who had been conned by Marvin, and filed a criminal case on Dec. 23, 2013.

I am also filing a Civil Case against him, not because I think I'll collect any money, but because I want this legally on record.

I have emails from Marvin, admitting that he owes us the money.  In fact, he even tried to scam us again in those emails by stating he wanted to the "honorable" thing and that he had another "lawyer friend" who make up a contract with a payment schedule.  Well, you can read this for yourself.

Due to the recent communication to every one I know, There is not a single person who will loan me this amount by tomorrow. The reality is I do have a monthly income stream and you are correct that if Franks does not keep me hired it will effect my ability to pay you back. Lets work out this arrangement to be able to honorably pay you back, in a realistic way. As for the Attorney. He is a personal friend doing this for me. He has no desire to get involved and is preparing the document free of charge to me.

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 1:18 PM, Heidi Thompson <> wrote:
How are you going to pay this, and who is the attorney?

This sounds like more BS!  So, no.  I don't agree.  If I don't get payment by tomorrow, we are done.  Borrow it and pay someone else the schedule below.  

Your job with Frank is also hanging on this.  You've strung me along far too long.  No more, period.  Done!


Sent from my iPad
On Dec 22, 2013, at 1:07 PM, Marvin Nathan <> wrote:
The following is the arrangement of payment.
JAN. 4,      1,000.00
FEB, 4,      1,000.00
MARCH 4, 1,000.00
APRIL 4,   1,000.00
MAY 4,       1,120.00

Hiedi, I'm having an attorney prepare a settlement agreement. With a confidentiality clause. I need to give the Attorney the terms of the agreement. Do you agree to the arrangement up above. If so please confirm with me. So I can get this prepared for our signatures on or before 26th of December 2013. I like you, would like to put this behind us.

On Sunday, December 22, 2013 12:33 PM, Heidi Thompson <> wrote:
Tomorrow, we have an appointment to file the criminal complaint.  That is our schedule unless you can show proof of your intentions today.

There are no more "tomorrow's" left.  Sorry.  You used them all up.


Sent from my iPad
On Dec 22, 2013, at 12:21 PM, Marvin Nathan <> wrote:
Dear Heidi and Gene,
It is unfortunate, I do apologize for any problems I might have caused. I owe you 5,120.00 in total. I will contact you on the 26th in a email outlining this with a plan to pay this back to you. This I hope will stop the demeaning behavior of us both. I will take care of this in a fast, and mature way. I do have a list of what it is. Its updated in your favor. If you want it , write me back and I will send it.

Thank You,
Marvin Nathan 

So, there it is.  You would think that with all of this proof along with letters from others who have also been scammed by Marvin, that the legal system would cooperate in getting this menace put behind bars.  But it is not that cut and dry.

In order for the DA's office to even take notice, I feel I must get some press on this story.  So, I've reached out to George Knapp, John Katz and Robin Leach to see if I can get any traction on this story via their media status.

I'm sending this data to an LA Producer interested in pitching a TV reality show about the making of my play.  This whole ordeal with Marvin would make dramatic TV as a reenactment alongside the making of the musical.

I'm calling in some favors from some friends.

I'm filing a Civil Suit.


Our legal/justice system is in need of some serious work.  But, then again, so are many things.  I just want to know that I did whatever I could do to keep someone else from going through the emotional, spiritual, and mental Hell that comes from being betrayed and financially raped.

I will keep you posted as to how this case unfolds.  I know I will at least get a civil judgement and it will go on public record.  At least, I can get that done.  Let's see if the press comes in like the cavalry or if I'm left to fight the good fight on my own.

For now, this is a wrap.  I've got a musical to complete and the show will go on!  I've done all I can. 

Stay tuned for posts regarding the development of the musical.  The first meeting with the Producers is next month.  I've got a ton of work to do to prepare.  Thank you for listening and for being there.  It means a lot!


1 comment:

  1. Do you think you could add the character of “Marvin the Moocher” to your script? Hahaha....." This is the tale about Marvin the Moocher, he was a low down lyin' user"
